Bachelor’s in Mathematics

Develop knowledge in pure mathematics and open the door to many career paths.

Wondering what you can do with a mathematics degree? Some of the best jobs in the country are reserved for math majors! That’s because mathematics prepares you to solve complex problems in a variety of fields, including marketing and research, engineering, sports, health care and government services. Graduate school is an option that will take you even further in your career.

The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from PennWest University provides a solid background in the foundations, theory and applications of mathematics. Expect to receive training in basic statistics, calculus, multivariate calculus, logic theory, proofs, problem solving and various types of analysis as well as software training for mathematical problem solving.

Our curriculum combines fundamental theory with critical thinking skills and practical experience. As a result, you'll not just use logical models proposed by others. You'll be able to create new approaches for the problems and technologies of tomorrow.

You'll learn from expert faculty who serve as mentors and advisors. They'll participate in every aspect of your education, in and out of the classroom. You can count on them giving you the foundation you need to succeed.

In addition, you will have a chance to conduct undergraduate research, present your work to others in the field and get published. As a result, you’ll graduate well prepared to become a future researcher in all areas of mathematics, whether you choose to enter the workforce or continue on to a graduate program.

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Credits: 120

Marc Sylvester


Student-to-faculty ratio at PennWest


Credit hours for this degree can be completed in eight semesters or four years


Projected growth for employment of mathematicians and statisticians between now and 2031, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Mathematics (no concentration)
Actuarial Science
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Actuarial Science

Careers and Salaries

Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries are in high demand. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment opportunities will grow much faster than average for graduates in these fields.

In 2021, the median annual wage for mathematicians was $108,100. The median pay for actuaries was $105,900.

Program Outcomes

Actuarial Science

Outcome #1

B.S. in Mathematics-Actuarial track will demonstrate proficiency in mathematics content and skills including the mathematical theory of interest, statistical models, and economics.

Outcome #2

Students graduating with a B. S. in Mathematics-Actuarial track will be able to interpret and solve mathematical problems including problems related to the Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuarial Society professional examinations.

Outcome #3

Students graduating with a B. S. in Mathematics-Actuarial track will be able to interpret and solve mathematical problems.

Outcome #4

Students graduating with a B.S. in Mathematics-Actuarial track will be able to read and evaluate the validity of a mathematical argument.

Outcome #5

Students graduating with a B.S. in Mathematics-Actuarial track will present mathematics in written and oral forms consistent with the standards of the regional mathematics and actuarial associations.


Outcome #1

Students graduating with a B.S. in Mathematics will demonstrate proficiency in mathematics content and skills.

Outcome #2

Students graduating with a B.S. in Mathematics will be able to effectively formulate and communicate proofs in mathematics.

Outcome #3

Students graduating with a B. S. in Mathematics will be able to interpret and solve mathematical problems.

Outcome #4

Students graduating with a B.S. in Mathematics will be able to read and evaluate the validity of a mathematical argument.

Outcome #5

Students graduating with a B.S. in Mathematics will present mathematics in written and oral forms consistent with the standards of the regional mathematics associations.

The Power of PennWest

PennWest’s three campuses, California, Clarion and Edinboro universities, have been delivering award-winning online programs for more than 20 years. You’ll graduate with a degree from Pennsylvania Western University, completely supported by the expertise and community of learners on our brick-and-mortar campuses.

Flexible. Affordable.
Designed to Meet Your needs.