Soar like Golden Eagles

Located in Clarion, Pennsylvania, you’ll often hear us described as “Communiversity,” a testament to how our small college town feels. PennWest Clarion provides transformative, lifelong learning opportunities through innovative, nationally recognized programs delivered in inclusive, student-centered environments. We love Clarion, and it loves us back! We’ve evolved since our beginnings in 1867, growing to offer satellite campuses in Pittsburgh and Somerset.

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Campus Experience

Take advantage of our scenic trails and outdoor activities on the beautiful Clarion River and nearby Cook Forest State Park.

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Alumni & Traditions

Every graduate of PennWest Clarion is a valued member of our alumni community—we invite you to visit us, engage with our students, and stay connected with your alma mater.

More About Alumni

Jenna Joseph

After graduating in May '23, Joseph is looking forward to the next step in achieving her dream of becoming a physician’s assistant.

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Alumni Story
Jenna Joseph Graduating

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