September is National Preparedness Month and Campus Fire Safety Month, which reminds us of the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies. Safety and emergency preparedness is a shared responsibility. Everyone is empowered to prepare for disasters and emergencies.  

The Department of Safety & Risk Management has provided some safety tips to help enhance your safety and preparedness efforts on campus and at home:

On Campus

  • Get to know your building and exits in the event of evacuation and shelter emergencies. The Department of Safety & Risk Management will be conducting evacuation drills across PennWest throughout the month of September. Evacuation drills are conducted annually in all academic and administrative buildings     equipped with a building fire alarm system. As a reminder, evacuation is required when the fire alarm system is activated.
  • Take time to sign up for campus emergency alerts at     If you are already registered, please take a moment to verify your     information is accurate.
  • Become weather aware of the weather that can impact your campus, and monitor forecast information.


At Home

  • Familiarize yourself with the types of emergencies that could affect your area.
  • Have a way to receive weather alerts for your area (i.e. app, weather radio).
  • Develop a family plan. and review it with all members of your household.
  • Build an emergency kit with supplies you might need at home and in your car.
  • Review additional tips and resources at


Additional Resources