Trio Upward Bound Logo

PennWest Clarion's Upward Bound program, which has existed since 1978, encourages the acquisition of academic skills and motivation needed for success in high school, college, and everyday life. The program, designed for selected high school students in grades 9-12, operates an academic year component and summer residential component for students from the following high schools in Western Pennsylvania: A-C Valley, Farrell, Oil City, Punxsutawney, Redbank Valley, Sharon, and Union

Who Is Eligible?

You may be eligible for Upward Bound if:

  • You attend one of the program's target high schools; AND
  • Neither parent/guardian has earned a bachelor's (four-year) degree; AND/OR
  • Your family's income falls within federal guidelines.

Eligibility criteria for Upward Bound are established by the U.S. Department of Education.

Students can apply for admission beginning in the spring of their 8th-grade year and participate in the program until graduation from high school.

What Does the Program Offer?

Services such as:

  • academic advising,
  • career exploration
  • assistance with college and financial aid applications
  • visits to post-secondary education institutions
  • cultural and social opportunities

The six-week residential Summer Academy offers participants an opportunity to experience college life in a safe environment while residing on campus in a university residence hall.

How Do You Join?

If you are interested in Upward Bound, call 814-393-2342, email, or stop by your school's guidance office to request an application packet. 

Contact Us

Rhonda McMillen-Toth
220 Ralston Hall

Timothy Griffin
Academic Counselor

206 Ralston Hall

Shintrika Hudson-Weibel
Academic Counselor
205 Ralston Hall

Chanin Carlson
Clerical Assistant
219 Ralston Hall