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Justin Hackett, PhD

Justin Hackett, PhD

  • Professor
  • Psychology
  • Psychology, Counseling and Art Therapy

How to Reach me

California114 Duda Hall

About Me

Justin Hackett, PhD, is Professor of Psychology and Chair of the Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Art Therapy. He is a proud graduate of Claremont Graduate University. In his research on political psychology, he collaborates with colleagues in the US, Chile, and Poland, for which he travels widely. He is a coordinator of assessment across PennWest University and serves as a site reviewer for universities with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Representative publications include:

Henney, S. & Hackett, J. D. (under contract). Mind-body wellness: A science-based approach. Springer Publishing: New York, New York.

Hamer, K., Hackett, J. D., & McFarland, S. (Eds). (2023). Frontiers in Psychology - Global human identification: Studies of its roots, how it may be enlarged, and its expressions in attitudes and behavior. Frontiers in Psychology.

Syfers, L., Jaurique, A., Anjewierden, B., Burke, S. E., Hackett, J. D., Rast, D. E., & Gaffney, A. M. (2023). Self-uncertainty and conservatism during the COVID-19 pandemic predict perceived threat and engagement in risky social behaviors. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. Advance online publication. 

Hackett, J. D., Rast III, D. E., Hohman, Z. (2020). Identification with the American south and anti-Muslim attitudes. Journal of Social Psychology, 160, 150-163.

Ouyang, Y., Rast, D. E. III, Hackett, J. D., & Hohman, Z. P. (2020). The American South: Explorations on southern attachments and personal values. Journal of Social Psychology, 160, 137-149.

McFarland, S., Hackett, J. D., Hamer, K., Malsch, A., Katzarska-Miller, I., Reese, G. & Reysen, S. (2019). Global human identification and citizenship: A review of psychological studies. Advances in Political Psychology, 40, 141-171.  

Hackett, J.D., Gaffney, A. M., & Data*, L. (2018). Intergroup anxiety and political loss: The buffering effects of believing in the open marketplace of ideas and openness to diverse political discussions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48, 150-164.