Edinboro preps annual Celebration of Scholarship
Open to all students interested in presenting research, scholarship or works of creativity

Abstracts are now being accepted for PennWest Edinboro’s annual Celebration of Scholarship.
Students are encouraged to submit abstracts or project overviews of 800 characters or less (about 150 words) via the Celebration of Scholarship submission form by 5 p.m. April 3.
Open to all undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in presenting and discussing their research, scholarship or works of creativity, Celebration of Scholarship will be held from 2-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, in the second-floor atrium area of the Baron-Forness Library. The event will feature traditional poster-style presentations.
Appropriate entries include faculty-supervised independent research or creative projects, independent study and scholarly or creative projects in upper-level courses conducted by either an individual or a small group of students.
There is no cost to participate. Expenses for printing and preparation of posters will be covered by the Celebration of Scholarship planning committee.
Similar academic symposiums will also occur at the California and Clarion campuses on April 17.
Please contact Anthony McMullen, university library director, at amcmullen@pennwest.edu with any questions.